Channel Mixer
Lab Color Method
Gradient Map
Edge Burn
Original with Elephant Seals
Original with Elephant Seals
Original with Reflection from the sun with elephant seal in the water
When i took the goto i did not use the rule of thirds. I mainly tried to focus on the land when i took the pictures
I used proportion when i took my photos because i wanted to show something that is small but looks big up close to something that is big but looks small in the background. Makes the photo look more unique
I took my images at around 1030-11 in the morning. It was a good time to take the images because it was right when the sun was rising so it gave the images a great light source
I focused on something small in the foreground so it looks big and focused on something big in the background so it looks small
The lab color method worked the best for me because the stuff that was up close had a lighter color compared to the stuff in the background that looked darker
I did achieve a large value range for my images. It was fun being able to use these different techniques and I hope to do it again
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